Returns at Nickis

We want to make the return process as easy as possible for you. Use our Returns Portal to register your return quickly and conveniently.

Please note that a return fee applies. The cost varies depending on the country and will be displayed automatically in the returns portal. Below is an overview of the return costs:  

Return Costs per Country

Country Return Costs (EUR)
Belgium 4,95
Bulgaria 12,95
Germany 1,95
Estonia 12,95
Finland 12,95
France 12,95
Greece 25,00
Ireland 19,95
Italy 12,95
Croatia 12,95
Latvia 12,95
Lithuania 12,95
Luxembourg 12,95
Malta 19,95
Netherlands 5,95 
Austria 4,95
Poland 12,95
Romania 19,95
Sweden 19,95
Slovakia 12,95
Slovenia 12,95
Spain 12,95
Czech Republic 12,95
United Kingdom
Hungary 12,95
Cyprus 12,95
Kuwait 40,00
Saudi Arabia
USA 40,00
Rest of the World (ROW)


The return fee will be automatically deducted from the refund amount. Please ensure that items are returned unworn, unwashed, and with all original tags attached.  

If you have any questions, our customer service team is happy to assist you.
Falls Sie Fragen haben, steht Ihnen unser Kundenservice gerne zur Verfügung.