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KingsHouse Kids Sports Jacket Fabian Brown Brown in Brown 1657811434-3309021578-1.jpg | KingsHouse Kids Sports Jacket Fabian Brown Brown in Brown 1657811435-3309021578-5.jpg |
KingsHouseSports Jacket Fabian Brown Brown
Sale priceFrom 170,00 € Regular price339,00 €
KingsHouse Kids Suit Trousers Lukas Navy Flex  in  1657100032-3307282920-1.jpg | KingsHouse Kids Suit Trousers Lukas Navy Flex  in  1657100032-3307282920-4.jpg |
KingsHouseSuit Trousers Lukas Navy Flex Navy
Sale priceFrom 42,00 € Regular price139,00 €
Dal LagoSuit Trousers Duke Navy
Sale priceFrom 92,00 €
Dal LagoSuit Trousers Brest Navy
Sale priceFrom 92,00 €
KingsHouse Kids Suit Trousers Mark Grey Reg Grey in Grey 1657099459-3300115836-1.jpg | KingsHouse Kids Suit Trousers Mark Grey Reg Grey in Grey 1657099459-3300115836-4.jpg |
KingsHouseSuit Trousers Mark Grey Reg Grey
Sale priceFrom 60,00 € Regular price119,00 €
KingsHouse Kids suit David Grey in Grey 1657720293-3308341667-1.jpg | KingsHouse Kids suit David Grey in Grey 1657548593-3308341667-4.jpg |
KingsHousesuit David Grey
Sale priceFrom 220,00 € Regular price439,00 €
KingsHouse Kids Sports Jacket Patrick Blue  in  1658418256-3303410507-1.jpg | KingsHouse Kids Sports Jacket Patrick Blue  in  3303410507-4.jpg |
KingsHouseSports Jacket Patrick Blue Navy
Sale priceFrom 145,00 € Regular price289,00 €
Dal LagoSuit Trousers Giacomo Navy
Sale priceFrom 109,00 €
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Scotch & SodaSports Jacket Navy
Sale priceFrom 90,00 € Regular price149,95 €
Dal Lagosuit Bond Navy
Sale priceFrom 394,00 €
Boss Kids Sports Jacket  in  1693908032-6809627393-1.jpg | Boss Kids Sports Jacket  in  1693908033-6809627393-4.jpg |
BossSports Jacket Navy
Sale priceFrom 92,00 € Regular price229,00 €
KingsHouse Kids Suit Trousers Lucas Grey Flexo Grey in Grey 3307176029-1.jpg | KingsHouse Kids Suit Trousers Lucas Grey Flexo Grey in Grey 3307176029-4.jpg |
KingsHouseSuit Trousers Lucas Grey Flexo Grey
Sale priceFrom 70,00 € Regular price139,00 €
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Scotch & SodaBlazers Navy
Sale priceFrom 70,00 € Regular price139,95 €
Il Gufo Kids Suit Trousers  in  6700748894-1.jpg | Il Gufo Kids Suit Trousers  in  6700748894-4.jpg |
Il GufoSuit Trousers Navy
Sale priceFrom 44,00 € Regular price146,00 €
Dal LagoSuit vest Claudio C Ivory
Sale priceFrom 97,00 €
Tommy Hilfiger Kids Sports Jacket  in  6909830506-1.jpg | Tommy Hilfiger Kids Sports Jacket  in  6909830506-4.jpg |
Tommy HilfigerSports Jacket Navy
Sale priceFrom 68,00 € Regular price169,90 €
Dal Lagosuit James Black
Sale priceFrom 469,00 €
KingsHouse Kids Sports Jacket Mark Grey Reg Anthracite Grey in Anthracite Grey 1657811433-3301337169-1.jpg | KingsHouse Kids Sports Jacket Mark Grey Reg Anthracite Grey in Anthracite Grey 3301337169-4.jpg |
KingsHouseSports Jacket Mark Grey Reg Anthracite Grey
Sale priceFrom 150,00 € Regular price299,00 €
Aspesi Kids Sports Jacket  in  6900535596-1.jpg | Aspesi Kids Sports Jacket  in  6900535596-4.jpg |
AspesiSports Jacket Navy
Sale priceFrom 62,00 € Regular price208,00 €
Hackett London Kids Sports Jacket  in  6907131387-1.jpg | Hackett London Kids Sports Jacket  in  6907131387-4.jpg |
Hackett LondonSports Jacket Navy
Sale priceFrom 60,00 € Regular price199,00 €
Mayoral Kids Blazers Olive Green in Olive Green 6702089293-1.jpg | Mayoral Kids Blazers Olive Green in Olive Green 6702089293-2.jpg |
MayoralBlazers Olive Green
Sale priceFrom 20,00 € Regular price67,00 €
Guess Kids Sports Jacket Blue in Blue 1704205644-6907343501-1.jpg | Guess Kids Sports Jacket Blue in Blue 1704205645-6907343501-4.jpg |
GuessSports Jacket Blue
Sale priceFrom 44,00 € Regular price110,00 €
Dal LagoBlazers Garey D Blue
Sale priceFrom 299,00 €
Il Gufo Kids Sports Jacket  in  1678372041-6703288516-1.jpg | Il Gufo Kids Sports Jacket  in  1678372041-6703288516-4.jpg |
Il GufoSports Jacket Navy
Sale priceFrom 71,00 € Regular price237,00 €
Dal LagoBlazers Harry Navy
Sale priceFrom 265,00 €
Dal LagoBlazers Nicolas F Navy
Sale priceFrom 279,00 €
Dal LagoBlazers Garey D Ivory
Sale priceFrom 315,00 €
Hackett London Kids Blazers  in  3304177395-1.jpg | Hackett London Kids Blazers  in  3304177395-2.jpg |
Hackett LondonBlazers Navy
Sale priceFrom 65,00 € Regular price215,00 €
Scotch & Soda Kids Sports Jacket Beige in Beige 6902892991-1.jpg | Scotch & Soda Kids Sports Jacket Beige in Beige 6902892991-4.jpg |
Scotch & SodaSports Jacket Beige
Sale priceFrom 48,00 € Regular price119,95 €
Scotch & Soda Kids Sports Jacket Blue in Blue 6905118443-1.jpg | Scotch & Soda Kids Sports Jacket Blue in Blue 6905118443-4.jpg |
Scotch & SodaSports Jacket Blue
Sale priceFrom 39,00 € Regular price129,95 €
Dal Lagosuit Christian Black
Sale priceFrom 397,00 €
Il Gufo Kids Blazers  in  6906509044-1.jpg | Il Gufo Kids Blazers  in  6906509044-4.jpg |
Il GufoBlazers Light Blue
Sale priceFrom 82,00 € Regular price206,00 €
Boss Kids Sports Jacket  in  1690906411-6804386483-1.jpg | Boss Kids Sports Jacket  in  1690906412-6804386483-4.jpg |
BossSports Jacket Navy
Sale priceFrom 98,00 € Regular price195,00 €
Il Gufo Kids Blazers White in White 6909019044-1.jpg | Il Gufo Kids Blazers White in White 6909019044-4.jpg |
Il GufoBlazers White
Sale priceFrom 82,00 € Regular price206,00 €
Boss Kids Blazers  in  1681473600-6707366925-1.jpg | Boss Kids Blazers  in  1675254547-6707366925-2.jpg |
BossBlazers Navy
Sale priceFrom 125,00 € Regular price249,00 €
KingsHouse Kids Sports Jacket Karl Blue  in  1657811433-3305594609-1.jpg | KingsHouse Kids Sports Jacket Karl Blue  in  3305594609-2.jpg |
KingsHouseSports Jacket Karl Blue Navy
Sale priceFrom 150,00 € Regular price299,00 €
KingsHouse Kids Sports Jacket Karl Blue  in  1659006416-3303635208-1.jpg | KingsHouse Kids Sports Jacket Karl Blue  in  3303635208-4.jpg |
KingsHouseSports Jacket Karl Blue Navy
Sale priceFrom 160,00 € Regular price319,00 €
KingsHouse Kids suit Gatsby  in  1658480115-3306849505-1.jpg | KingsHouse Kids suit Gatsby  in  1657194525-3306849505-3.jpg |
KingsHousesuit Gatsby Black
Sale priceFrom 210,00 € Regular price419,00 €
Dal Lagosuit Bond Black
Sale priceFrom 374,00 €
Dal LagoBlazers Garey D Navy
Sale priceFrom 317,00 €
KingsHouse Kids Sports Jacket Lucas Navy Flex  in  1659006416-3302793712-1.jpg | KingsHouse Kids Sports Jacket Lucas Navy Flex  in  3302793712-4.jpg |
KingsHouseSports Jacket Lucas Navy Flex Navy
Sale priceFrom 140,00 € Regular price279,00 €
KingsHouse Kids Sports Jacket Lucas Grey Flexo Grey in Grey 3301676421-1.jpg | KingsHouse Kids Sports Jacket Lucas Grey Flexo Grey in Grey 3301676421-5.jpg |
KingsHouseSports Jacket Lucas Grey Flexo Grey
Sale priceFrom 140,00 € Regular price279,00 €
Dal LagoSuit vest Claudio Navy
Sale priceFrom 97,00 €
KingsHouse Kids Sports Jacket Marc Grey Reg Grey in Grey 3300349355-1.jpg | KingsHouse Kids Sports Jacket Marc Grey Reg Grey in Grey 3300349355-7.jpg |
KingsHouseSports Jacket Marc Grey Reg Grey
Sale priceFrom 145,00 € Regular price289,00 €
New %
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KingsHouseSports Jacket Karl Blue Navy
Sale priceFrom 145,00 € Regular price289,00 €
Tommy Hilfiger Kids Sports Jacket  in  6803796793-1.jpg | Tommy Hilfiger Kids Sports Jacket  in  6803796793-4.jpg |
Tommy HilfigerSports Jacket Navy
Sale priceFrom 57,00 € Regular price189,90 €
Boss Kids Suit Trousers  in  1694185356-6802869798-1.jpg | Boss Kids Suit Trousers  in  1694185356-6802869798-4.jpg |
BossSuit Trousers Navy
Sale priceFrom 87,00 € Regular price145,00 €

Designer boys suit: Stylish and high-quality clothing for a special occasion

When the family gathers for a festive occasion or an important event is coming up, the little men also need to be dressed appropriately. The boy's suit is more than just a piece of clothing. A perfect cut is combined with good material and an optimal fit. The suit for boys ensures that the little ones look good and feel comfortable.

A designer boy's suit can be used in many different ways. Whether at a wedding, a family celebration or your own communion: the suit adapts to the little wearer and ensures a perfect appearance. So that the little suit wearers don't get bored at the events, they shouldn't just have an extra role. Small role - big impact: How can boys be included in celebratory occasions? At a wedding, boys can carry the bride and groom's rings. This means they are actively involved in the ceremony and take on an important role. Boys can read the intercession or carry the bride's train. Scattering flowers on the way to the altar or throwing rice after the wedding is also a nice task that can be given to the little ones. Instead of just making the boys look pretty, they can take on a role that keeps them busy and puts them in the spotlight for a moment. So that the little gentlemen are dressed correctly, the same standards should apply when choosing a suit for boys as for adult models. The suit is more than an outfit that is worn according to the occasion.

What characterizes the perfect boy's suit?

Whether for small or tall men: The perfect suit impresses with the combination of ideal cut, optimal fit and high-quality material. Only when the suit fits properly will wearing it be a pleasure. Especially for small suit wearers, it is important that it fits perfectly in order to ensure a cool appearance. Because even boys should not look like they are in costume. What should you look out for when buying a suit:

  • Classic color (classic colors such as gray, dark blue, anthracite, slate or black)
  • High-quality fabrics (the finer, the more formal)
  • Perfect fit

High quality boys suits from designers like Paolo Pecora or Dal Lago can be recognized by the material. The classic suit fabric is still virgin wool, which is available in very fine versions. The jacket is also a point that quickly indicates poor quality in suits: a high-quality jacket fits perfectly at the top and the material offers sufficient freedom of movement.

The fabric does not crease at the neck or stick up or out at the back. Experts can tell whether a jacket really fits or not by several factors. Even with a boy's suit, the collar and lapel (style) lie directly on the shirt collar, because the style is piqued and not glued. In high-quality models, the sleeve slits are hand-sewn and have a letter corner. The interlining is also sewn for a perfect fit and does not curl. The fabric is forgiving even when sitting for long periods and does not show any creases. Good material feels soft to the touch, is smooth, fine and simply more beautiful. Well-known fabric manufacturers have the so-called "Weber label". This is sewn into the inside of the jacket by the suit tailor and is an easy-to-find indication of high quality.

In the upper class, a clearly visible, hand-stitched seam is visible on the outer edges of the lapel. Handwork is recognizable by the minimal irregular spacing between the seams. High-quality formal boys' clothing is also visible in the buttons. They are made of natural materials such as buffalo horn and their buttonholes are neatly hemmed by hand. Buttons on the sleeve slits are not dummies on a high-quality suit, but can be opened and closed. In a good suit, there are no waves in the fabric at the transition between the sleeve and shoulder. If the formal boys' clothing has a pattern, it appears without breaks and runs cleanly over the seams. There should be no visible breaks in the pattern, especially on the shoulder area and in the breast pocket. The high-quality jacket can be recognized by the inner lining. This protects the interior and ensures that the jacket slides better over the shirt when the little ones put on the formal boys' clothing.

Individual styles

Why is an individual style important from a young age and how can you support it? Formal clothing for boys should underline the style of the wearer. Even at a young age, a child's own style gives them self-confidence and sets them apart from the mainstream. Clothing and style are an expression of personality. Parents should support these individual nuances in children, because the course for their later appearance is already laid in childhood. Formal clothing for boys should underline the child's taste, because then the boy feels comfortable and not in disguise. Parents should not only pay attention to the children's opinion when shopping, but also ask specifically which formal clothing the boy likes. If the boy's outfit stands out due to unusual Accessories , such as a colorful Tie or bow tie , out of the ordinary, parents should pay tribute to it. Individuality is reflected in style and should be supported and not suppressed.

How and on what occasions do you wear a designer boys blazer?

The children's blazer is an all-rounder that can always be worn. In the casual version, children wear the blazer in their free time as a casual jacket. Whether for a wedding, communion or Christmas: with the boys' blazer, the kids are always properly dressed. For a festive event, for example, a blazer from the brand Trussardi . This combines class and youthful elegance. You can pair it with elegant trousers from boss combine. A classy shirt from DSquared2 and a pair of shoes from Gallucci make the little gentleman's outfit perfect. It looks wonderful when the boys wear a similar outfit to their fathers. The blazer should be the same cut and color as the father's to create a harmonious look.

What should you pay attention to when buying?

If you rely on well-known brands and established designers, you can hardly go wrong in terms of quality and appearance - big names like Paolo Pecora, Dal Lago, Trussardi, DSquared and Hackett London simply know what a good blazer should look like and how it should fit. The fit, material and workmanship ensure that the boys' blazer exudes class. From the lapels to the shoulders to the elegant buttons, you can immediately recognize a high-quality model. The inner lining is carefully crafted, as is the material, and does not warp when the boys wear it. Pockets and buttonholes are elegantly sewn and the fit is simply perfect. For smaller boys, you should pay particular attention to a soft material that does not scratch. Many boys like to wear the blazer a little more casually, which is absolutely on trend and looks really stylish.

From casual to festive: styling and combination tips

It doesn’t take much to style the little ones properly: a blazer in a knitted look from IKKS is the eye-catcher. Underneath, the little man of the world wears a long-sleeved shirt by Gucci with a cute print and cute sweatpants by Moschino with a logo print on the side. Schoolboys like it cooler, which is why a blazer by Ralph Lauren with a long-sleeved shirt by Tommy Hilfiger and used-look jeans by Diesel simply underlines the casual look. This is complemented by classy sneakers by Alexander McQueen worn that are comfortable and stylish. The boys know that style is the expression of one's own personality. That's why the blazer is a basic that can be used in many different ways depending on taste and sets trends. It is the youthful casualness that turns a blazer into an individual style. Jennifer Lopez's son, Maximilian David, presented the unusual style as a small baby and wore cute children's blazers.

Trendy cuts and high-quality materials

Leisure time, school and family celebrations: If you value quality and have high standards for your own style, you want your children to dress smartly and, above all, fashionably. But children also want to have a say and choose their own favorite things. With a fashionable children's jacket, your son will always be smartly dressed - whether the jacket is combined with jeans for a sporty look or with trousers for a chic look.

A boy's jacket can be worn on a variety of occasions, such as a family celebration. You don't just have to pay attention to how it goes with other items of clothing, but also to the jacket itself. Different fabrics and cuts give a jacket for boys a different function. They are traditionally combined with a shirt or T-shirt and are made of thin wool and artificial silk. Children's jackets are traditionally worn over a shirt - just like adults. Of course, there are also other models, such as a jacket from Trussardi, which is made of wool and is ideal as a jacket for the transitional period. Many models have the classic slit on the lower back, which prevents the jacket from forming unflattering folds.

The designer boys jacket as a fashionable garment

What is a jacket actually? And why do some people call a jacket a jacket? Where does it come from? And how do you wear it in everyday life? Open or buttoned up? There are a lot of questions that come with jackets. The simplest is that of its origin and distribution. The jacket, or blazer, or jacket as it is called in some German-speaking areas, has now become one of the most important and most worn items of clothing in the western world. This is not only because the jacket is an essential part of a suit and many people wear suits every day, but also because this type of jacket is very chic and yet practical.

This does not only apply to adults – children also always look well-dressed in a jacket. The jacket looks a little like a Shirt . This is mainly due to the collar, which is shaped similarly to that of a shirt and therefore fits the shirt perfectly. In fact, there are subtle differences between the types mentioned, such as the jacket and the sports jacket. For example, a jacket is often made of thicker material and can easily be worn as a real jacket in the colder months of the year. The sports jacket dates back to the 18th century and was already used in other items of clothing long before that, such as the classic men's jacket. It is thanks to modern designers that this item of clothing has not lost its relevance to this day and still looks fresh and young. A boy's jacket is anything but dusty, but simply chic and fashionable.

Showcasing boys’ jackets – Celebrity kids show how it’s done

At a certain point, boys no longer want to be dressed like little children. They see other children at school or in the media who are always perfectly styled. For example, the children of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, who are always perfectly dressed for every occasion. The adult world, into which they want to be accepted, also has a big influence. Of course, young men want to have their first jacket at some point, just like adults. The current trends are clearly determined by the children of the stars.

Like the Brangelina children, it is also the children of famous footballers, such as David Beckham, who wear the hottest looks. Whether you follow the stars and celebrity kids on social media or see their outfits in the media: they have a say in what is worn. Cool kids at the family celebration want to stand out just as much as their favorite stars. So why not simply combine a classy jacket with a chic long-sleeved shirt and top it all off with a jeans and matching Shoes A timeless and, above all, chic style that is guaranteed to please both kids and parents.